What began as the Lord's vision for a Christian School has only grown more and more every year, and with growth comes a huge opportunity to train up tomorrow's Christian leaders. We need your help to continue the awesome ministry God has given us.
We hope you will sincerely consider giving to Discovery Christian School as an individual donor or helping to support us through your business.
There are several avenues we can recieve your support. We thank you for yoking up with us as we continue the work before us. You are helpingto make a difference in these childrens' lives. We thank you!
Through the Mississippi Children's Promise Act, you can donate up to 50% of your business tax dollars to a charity. We would love to be that charity! Please consider designating Discovery Christian as a recipient of your MS Children's Promise Act tax dollars. Click the link to view more information or to download a MS Children's Promise Act form. In just a few steps, you can designate your business tax dollars to our organization! IT ONLY TAKES 3 EASY STEPS.
You can round up from your credit card to Discovery, and Make Change Happen. You can also just set a monthly donation. Click for more details.
If you shop on Amazon, you can easily send a portion of your sale to Discovery every time you order. Click for details on how to sign up.
Designate 50% of your business tax dollars to help Discovery Christian.
If you shop on Amazon, you can easily send a portion of your sale to Discovery every time you order. Click for details on how to sign up.
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