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Shaping minds. Cultivating hearts.


As a school based on Christian principles, we strongly believe in each student developing and maintaining

a strong sense of moral responsibility.


Statement of Faith


Spiritually the school strives:


  • To lead students into a personal, saving relationship with Christ as Lord and Savior by presenting the Bible regularly and for students to know, understand, and apply God's Word in daily life.

  • To develop a desire in our students to know and do the will of God and to teach students consistent Christian living and service through local and global outreach.

  • To help students articulate and defend their Biblical worldview and Christian faith while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.

  • To encourage students to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and pursue a life of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, humility, and self-control.

  • To encourage students and families to be actively involved in a local, Bible-believing church.

  • To acknowledge that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female.

  • To affirm that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union and intimate relationships between them should only take place within the covenant of marriage to each other.


Academically the school strives:


  • To promote high academic standards by instilling initiative, a good work ethic, and reliance on God and preparing students in all academic disciplines, ensuring students are proficient in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking.

  • To encourage the development of good study habits and to foster intellectual inquiry, utilizing skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions.

  • To demonstrate how to utilize resources, including technology, to find, analyze, and evaluate information in a discerning way and to encourage lifelong learning and teach students to become independent learners.

  • To prepare and encourage students to further their education beyond high school, seeking God's will for their lives.


We believe spiritually:


  • The Bible is God’s word and our instruction book for life.

  • In one God, creator of all things.

  • Jesus Christ is God’s son and gave His life so that we can have eternal life and abundant life.

  • Salvation is a free gift obtained by God’s grace alone through personal faith in Christ’s atoning work alone and the Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life that pleases God and ministers to others.

  • The church is commissioned by God to reveal His word, His worship, and His ways to the world.

  • Satan is a personal, spiritual adversary of God and His followers.

  • God has a purpose for our lives and we should seek it.

  • There will be a final judgment at which God will assign all people their eternal destinies.


We believe academically:


  • Promoting high academic standards by instilling initiative, a good work ethic, and reliance on God.

  • Preparing students in all academic disciplines, ensuring students are proficient in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking.

  • Encouraging the development of good study habits.

  • Fostering intellectual inquiry, utilizing skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions.

  • Demonstrating how to utilize resources, including technology, to find, analyze, and evaluate information in a discerning way.

  • Encouraging lifelong learning and striving for students to become independent learners.

  • Preparing and encouraging students to further their education beyond high school, seeking God's will for their lives.


We believe:


  • Leadership authority is given and ordained by God (Romans 13:1).

  • Leaders must be servants (Luke 22:25-26, John 13:13-16).

  • Leaders must have a teachable spirit (Proverbs 19:20, 27).

  • Leaders must model right behavior (Titus 2:7-8).

  • Leaders must evaluate themselves (2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 6:4).

  • Leaders regularly examine thoughts and motives (2 Corinthians 13:5; Psalm 139:23-24).


Chad and Kim Holifield

Over two years ago, we packed up our belongings, sold our home in Pearl, and moved to Florence for one reason only… so that our son could attend Discovery Christian School.


DCS embodies the Christian values that we treasure as a family. Our son is not only learning and growing academically but spiritually, as well, due to the Biblical foundation taught at DCS.


The teachers and staff are more than just educators, they are true examples of Christ’s love! Their desire is to see each student succeed in life and to love the Lord with all their heart!


Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


We love DCS!

George and Alicia Gaylor

Having a daughter with dyslexia was very challenging and stressful in the public school environment but at DCS it was a welcomed learning style.


They not only eased our worries and stress, but their skilled Dyslexic Therapist, Jessica Wade, provided us support outside of the classroom and equipped the teachers inside the classroom with wisdom and skills to help our Kaitlyn in her classes with her peers.


DCS has truly been a blessing to the Gaylor family and we absolutely love our DCS school/family!

Ryan and Rebecca Engel

Our son, Aaron, began his journey in kindergarten, and was a part of Discovery Christian School’s (“DCS”) very first Kindergarten class in 2013. At that time, there were no sports teams or even a senior class yet – fast forward to 2024, and Aaron has now entered his sophomore year at DCS where it has grown to become fully MAIS accredited with offerings of basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, football, archery, chess, cheer, golf, fishing, and dance.


One of the most unique aspects of DCS is the founding member Wendi Teten’s commitment to provide a solid foundation for academic learning, but to also instill important values and principles that are Bible-based.


Discovery Christian is truly a special place for us and has been a true Godsend to our family. We have no doubt that Discovery Christian will continue to positively impact the lives of not only the students that attend DCS, but also the community for years to come.


God bless DCS!

© Discovery Christian School | Florence, Mississippi

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